Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lenten Love #22

“Jesus replied, ‘I assure you that you are looking for me not because you saw miraculous signs but because you at all the food you wanted.  Don’t work for the food that doesn’t last but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the Human One will give you. God the Father has confirmed him as his agent to give life.” John 6:26-27, CEB

I once had a professor in divinity school that challenged us as pastors to help guide our congregations to move from “maintenance to missions”.  The idea was that churches like status quo and being comfortable and missions challenges that mindset.  I would argue that we as individuals are not much different.  We like the things we like and we do not want our ‘boats’ to be rocked.  Add to that mentality to idea of busy-ness of life and the truth be told, the best that the majority of us can accomplish is to just get by or maintain.

I’m convinced that God wants more for our lives.  God wants us to dream big and to accomplish and succeed even bigger things.  Jesus came to give us life and to give it to us abundantly.  Maybe the challenge for some of us this Lenten season is to quit working ‘for the food that doesn’t last’ and instead strive after all the dreams that God is dreaming for us.

Have a blessed day!

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