Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lenten Love #4

“Weeping may stay all night, but by morning, joy!” 
(Psalm 30:5b)

As a pastor, I get to hear a lot of tough stuff.  Many people in my life, people who I dearly love, are going through some really hard times. Whether it is as an individual, within a relationship, or even whole groups of people like a church, the struggle and difficult are the same.  We, as people, are broken and hurting.

So when I come to piece of scripture that gives a voice of hope amidst the pain, I celebrate it.  We need to be reminded that all the junk in our lives is only temporary, as a friend of mine says, “the worst word is never the last word”.  

In two ways, I believe this to be true. First, we are going to die.  So in that kind of ‘keep life in perspective’ way, the pain will one day end and what lies ahead is believed to be reason to celebrate.

But I also believe this to be truly in a very ‘here and now’ kind of way.  I believe whole-heartedly that a lot of the struggle and suffering that I see all around me will one day subside.  Now, life may never look like it once did, probably much different in fact, but the people who are now sitting in the ashes and dust of life will one day throw that aside and celebrate again.  I have to believe that.  Some may call me naive for that, but I can’t help it.  I trust and believe just like that Psalmist did so long ago.

So to all of you who might read this who are struggle with something, either big or small, (i.e. ALL OF US BECAUSE WE ARE SINNERS) I say again, “Weeping may stay all night, but by morning, JOY!” (Emphasis on joy is mine.) 

Have a great Saturday and I’ll write to you again on Monday. (That’s right, I take the Sundays of Lent off from this adventure.)
Blessings and Peace,

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