Monday, February 25, 2013

Lenten Love #11

“We can be encouraged by the faithfulness we find in each other, both your faithfulness and mine.” Romans 1:12b

“When the path is daunting
And every step exhausting
I'm not alone, I'm not alone”
-‘Carry Me to the Cross’, Kutless

I find that nearly all of life is a balancing act.  We walk this fine line in a lot of what we do.  For instance, many of us desperately want to be different from the norm.  We spend our life asserting our independence, trying to be different from every one else.  And I think that sometime this is a good thing.  We are unique.  Each of us are special and unique because God made us this way.  There is not another ‘you’ or another ‘me’.

But on the flip side, in that desire to be different and unique, we begin to believe that all that we go through in this life is unique to us as well.  So we struggle and face hardships and we think to ourselves, “No one will understand what I am going through.”  This leads us down the dangerous road toward isolation and loneliness.  

God’s word helps us to find balance by demonstrating our uniqueness as created as individuals, but also our dependence and communal nature in being created in the image of God.  It provides us with the encouragement that we do matter and are special in God’s eyes, but also with the reminder that we cannot do this thing we called life alone, nor were we ever meant to.

So on this rainy and dreary (at least in Charleston) Monday, know that you are unique and that you are also a part of a pretty special group that is never by yourself, no matter what you go through.

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