Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Name Game

One of the questions that has come our way recently has been the traditional, “What are you going to name your son?” Of course, if a guy asks me or us this question, he always suggests his own name as an option. I guess that is just a guy thing, a weird guy thing, but a guy thing. But naming this child is a big deal. I suppose it feels like the first big decision that we can make that will have a lasting impact. I mean, this is the name that my boy will be called for the rest of his life. Names are important. Even God has a name, as much as ‘I AM’ is a name, not an everyday name, but it is a name. And so names bring identity. It’s something that can be worn with pride or carried in disgrace. Names are what set us apart, unless you are a John Smith, and then it’s something more that sets you apart. Names are a big deal and so the act of naming our child is weighing pretty heavy. I’ve been lobbying for several months for Fenway, after the home of the Red Sox, but Megan doesn’t seem to be having any of that. We’ve actually had some really good conversations about names, serious ones. In fact, I think we’ve picked one out, but we’ll have to see. We are not quite ready to throw it out there just yet. More to come…

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