As you can imagine, since bringing Isaac home, we have had our hands quite full. It seems that we are getting the hang of being a new family and look forward to January when both of us will be home, as full time parents. If only but for a month, we can't wait to spend that time together. We go back to the doctor on Tuesday, just for a regular check up to see how much our little guy has grown. We'll report more after that appointment. Until then, enjoy some photos of the family!
Well, it took a while, but we finally got sent home today, with Isaac in tow. He responded so well to all the treatments for low blood sugar over the last twenty-four hours that as of 3:00PM this afternoon, he was released from the hospital and we were allowed to start our life as a family together at home.
Our time in the hospital was amazing. While no one chooses to have their son whisked away from them and put in the special care nursery, we definitely made the most of our time. Looking back, we met some very amazing people who taught us a plethora of knowledge. We truly felt like God was with us the entire time because people were constantly coming into our lives at the exact time that we needed them. Whether it was the nurse that explained to us everything that was going on with our child at 3AM so we could sleep peacefully knowing he would live or the lactation consultant that offered some very amazing advice that has allowed Megan and Isaac to grow closer by the minute or another nurse that helped to feed and comfort our child so we could skip a feeding and get some much needed rest. We owe a great debt to the people in the Special Care Nursery at Lexington Medical Center.
Our hearts and prayers go out to those families who are still there. Another child was experiencing the same things as Isaac, yet she hasn’t quite responded as quickly and could be there for several weeks. When you are in a nursery like that, you start seeing the same people over and over again. While we never really spoke about what was going on with our specific children, there was a sense of community, all of us parents suffering the heartache together, while our children suffered physically. It was hard for us to leave today and to look at some of those infants who were much worse than Isaac.
While we are extremely thankful to be home, it doesn’t take long to see how quickly kids get on a schedule. In just three days, Isaac had developed a very steady pattern of activity. Sleep time, mommy and daddy time, feeding time, then back to sleep. While in the hospital, he hardly whimpered or cried. Since we’ve been home, it doesn’t seem like he has stopped crying, especially tonight. Even as I write, he is screaming at the top of his lungs. I suppose he got spoiled and set in his routine while in the hospital, and now that we are out, he is in a foreign world. That and he got circumcised today, so that might have something to do with the fussiness. Anyways, pray for us because now is when the fun begins. At the hospital, it was easy, we sort of did what we were told to do. Now at home, we have to figure things out and we are off to a rocky start.
Our little man is doing so well. He is out of the incubator and out from under the blue light and back in his bassinet. As of 11:00 tonight they will completely take him off of the IV that he’s been on since Wednesday around noon. If his sugar levels stay on track overnight and into tomorrow then we will get to start looking at possibly bringing him home soon. He is really starting to take to feeding from Megan, which is huge. Megan has been such a champion about doing everything she can to get him up to speed health-wise. She breastfeeds, which normal takes like an hour to get to the nursery, to get him ready, to feed, to keep him alert and then to get him back settled down. Then she pumps, which takes thirty minutes or so. She rests for an hour or so and then starts the whole process over again. Her motherly nature is starting to kick in, and although it is hard sometimes, she pushes right through and gets it done, whatever ‘it’ may be. I am so proud of her. I can’t imagine going through anything like this with anyone other than her. She’s my hero.
Although he is in the special care nursery, Isaac is doing great. He’s even gained weight, which I am told never happens after babies are born. It looks like he will have to stay a little while longer at the hospital but he is in a good place and getting better by the hour. Thanks to all for the thoughts, prayers and calls. We love you all!
We are so thankful to have so many friends in this world. Thanks for all of the notes of congratulations and such. Just a quick update: Isaac’s first full day has been a very eventful one. From the start, he was very stubborn coming into this world. Megan is my hero. She went 16 hours in labor without any pain medication, the last three while being given Petocin, a drug that made her contractions way more difficult and more frequent. At 7:30 PM on Tuesday the doctor basically said it was time to rethink our attack plan and thus we decided for a c-section. Megan even handled that beautifully well. Needless to say, she is very sore. As for our little man, he is doing great, with only a few minor issues. Since the beginning, the doctors have been fighting his low blood sugar count. We tried supplementing formula but to no avail. So today, Wednesday, at 12:30PM they moved him to the ‘special care’ nursery. They have him hooked up to an IV and are giving him nutrition as well as glucose. His blood sugar level looks to have come up, but we still need more time and then they have to wean him off of the IV. He also has a little bit of jaundice coming on, so they have stuck him in an incubator and under a blue light. Needless to say, all of this is a little difficult for two new parents and grandparents to handle. Thankfully we have talked to several really awesome nurses who have calmed our fears a great deal. We simple ask for continued prayers at this time, for patience and good health. Thanks for all who have called and I apologize for not having answered the phone. Megan and I are trying to get as much rest as possible as often as possible, still trying to make up for the marathon of Tuesday. We will update as soon as possible. Again, we yet again realize how truly blessed we are!